
SysopConfig Class


ApplyApply any changes to the properties of this object. If necessary, the EchoLink software is re-set.

DTMFCommandsRead-only propertyList of DTMF sequences for different EchoLink functions
DTMFDecoderRead-write propertyType of DTMF decoding to use (internal, external, or none)
DTMFDisableOnPTTRead-write propertyTrue to disable the DTMF decoder when the local transmitter is key-down
DTMFFineTuningRead-write propertyFrequency adjustment (in percent) for internal DTMF decoder
DTMFInterdigitRead-write propertyMinimum time (in ms) to require between valid DTMF digits
DTMFLoggingRead-write propertyTrue to log all detected DTMF digits to System Log file
DTMFMuteRead-write propertyTrue to mute detected DTMF signals in the audio signal to remote stations
DTMFRemotePadRead-write propertyTrue to enable the EchoLink DTMF encoder pad for remote stations when they connect
DTMFShortcutsRead-only propertyList of DTMF sequences for connecting to specific stations
DTMFSNRead-write propertyAcceptable signal-to-noise ratio (in dB) for DTMF decoder (internal DTMF only)
DTMFToleranceRead-write propertyFrequency tolerance (in percent) for DTMF tone detector (internal DTMF only)
DTMFTwistRead-write propertyAcceptable power difference (in dB) between high and low DTMF tones (internal DTMF only)
PTTActivationRead-write propertyMethod EchoLink uses to key the local transmitter
PTTPassThroughRead-write propertyTrue if PTT should be keyed when space bar is pressed
RXAntiThumpRead-write propertyDelay (after key-up) during which VOX or COS will not trigger, in milleseconds
RXCarrierDetectRead-write propertyMethod of detecting an incoming RF signal
RXCOMPortRead-write propertyCOM port number (1-8) to use for COS detection
RXInvertRead-write propertyTrue to detect COS when voltage is low, False to detect COS when voltage is high
RXVOXAntiTripMuteRead-write propertyproperty RXVOXAntiTripMute
RXVOXAntiTripTimingRead-write propertyTime constant for noise bursts to be ignored by VOX
RXVOXDelayRead-write propertyTime to remain in TX after VOX (or COS) releases
RXVOXNotchFreqRead-write propertyNot currently implemented
RXVOXThresholdRead-write propertyAudio level at which VOX is triggered, in percent
ToneBurstDurationRead-write propertyDuration (in ms) of tone-burst signal
ToneBurstFrequencyRead-write propertyFrequency (in Hz) of tone-burst signal
ToneBurstModeRead-write propertyMethod by which tone burst is sent to local transmitter
TXCOM9600Read-write propertyTrue if serial interface runs at 9600 bps, otherwise False
TXCOMPortRead-write propertyCOM port number (1-8) to use for PTT control