Introducing EchoStation Version 2.1: Download Now! EchoStation is a repeater-control program for Windows which makes it easy to set up a complete, fully-functional repeater or "announcement machine" using a personal computer. EchoStation is perfect for portable and emergency use, or for clubs wishing to use a PC instead of specialized hardware to control a repeater. It also makes an excellent "store and forward" simplex repeater when connected to a single transceiver. The software even lets you set up an "announcement machine" which plays scheduled voice announcements over your club's existing repeater, using a radio at another location, such as a home station. Setup is as easy as installing the software, and connecting a transmitter and receiver to the PC's sound card. The transmitter can be controlled by VOX, or connected to the COM port with an interface such as the RIGblaster from West Mountain Radio. EchoStation has been fully tested with each of the three models of RIGblaster. All standard repeater functions are supported, such as COR, CW ID, courtesy tone, forward and reverse autopatch, and control link. For a brief look at EchoStation's features and capabilities, take a tour.