Record and Playback

EchoLink has built-in functions for recording a QSO as a WAV file, or playing back a previously recorded WAV or MP3 file during a QSO.  These functions are described below.

Recording Mode

EchoLink can record QSOs automatically when they begin, and stop recording when they end.  This is particularly useful for Sysop nodes that wish to keep detailed logs of activity.

To enable this feature, choose the desired Recording Mode on the Audio tab of the main Setup window.  The available modes are as follows:

No recording:  QSOs are not automatically recorded.  However, a QSO already in progress can be recorded by choosing Start Recording from the Tools menu.

Record by QSO: QSOs are automatically recorded.  Each QSO is saved as a single WAV file, named according to the time and date the QSO began.

Record by Callsign:  QSOs are automatically recorded.  Each transmission during the QSO is saved as a separate WAV file, named according to the callsign of the station making the transmission, and the date and time.

EchoLink will create all WAV files in a single folder.   By default, this is a folder called "wav" in the folder in which the EchoLink program file is installed.  To change the folder, choose Setup from the Tools menu, click the Audio tab, and click the Folder button.

Note:  WAV files use about 27 MB of disk space per hour of audio recorded.  To save disk space, periods of silence between transmissions are removed from the WAV files produced by EchoLink.  However, when making recordings, check your computer's free disk space periodically to avoid running low.

Record and Playback Controls

Record and playback controls are provided on the Tools menu, and also as icons on the toolbar.  These controls are available only while a QSO is in progress (i.e., only while a station is connected).

Start Recording:  Begins recording the QSO as a single WAV file.  A flashing red indicator appears in the status bar to remind you that a WAV file is being recorded.

Play Sound File:  Opens a dialog box that allows you to select a WAV or MP3 file for playback.  If a WAV file is selected, it must be in PCM, 8000 Hz, Mono format.  Immediately after the file is selected, EchoLink transmits and begins playing the file.  While playing, audio is heard by all connected stations.  You will also hear audio through the PC speakers if your computer has a full-duplex sound device.  (In Sysop mode, the audio is also transmitted over the local link.)  A flashing green arrow appears in the status bar to remind you that a sound playback is in progress.

Stop:  Stops record or playback.  (If recording, the file is automatically deleted if nothing but silence had been recorded.)

Pause Playback:  Temporarily suspends playback of a sound file, and stops transmitting.  Choose this control again to resume playback.  While playback is paused, the flashing green arrow in the status bar continues to appear, to remind you that sound-file playback is paused.