
EchoLink can play sounds, called "signals", when certain events occur.  Two different sets of signals are used.  One set is used when EchoLink is in single-user mode; the other set is used when EchoLink is in Sysop mode.

Single-User Mode

In single-user mode, the default signals are sounds that are played through the PC speakers.  Using the Signals tab of the Preferences page, you can disable any of these signals, or substitute another WAV file for each.  The following signals are defined:

Connected:  A station has just connected over the Internet, either by your own request or theirs.

Disconnected:  The station to which you had just been connected has disconnected, either at their request or yours, or because of a timeout.

Alarm:  A callsign in the Alarms list has just logged on or off, or changed status.

Over: The other station has finished a transmission, and is turning it over to you.

Text Msg:  The other station has typed a text "chat" message, which has just appeared on your screen.

Sysop Mode

In Sysop mode, signals are pre-recorded words or phrases that are played over the air using the local transmitter.  Certain signals include a node number or callsign, which is assembled by "reading" a string of digits or letters.  The following signals are defined:

CONNECTED: A station has just connected over the Internet, either by your own request or theirs.  If the "Announce stations on connect" option has been enabled, this will be followed by the station's callsign.

DISCONNECTED : The station to which you had just been connected has disconnected, either at their request or yours.  Check the System Log for more information.

NOT CONNECTED: You have requested a disconnect, but no station is currently connected.

NOT FOUND:   The requested station is not currently logged on.  This signal is sent in response to any of several DTMF functions that search for a particular callsign or node number.

BUSY: The requested station is listed as busy.  This signal is included in the response to either a connect request or a status query.

ENABLED: The Link Up command has been received and EchoLink is now available for connections.

DISABLED: The Link Down command has been received and EchoLink is no longer available for connections.

ALREADY IN CONFERENCE: EchoLink is already participating in a conference, and thus cannot join another one.  For details, see the section Conferencing.

NOT AVAILABLE:   A connection could not be established to the requested station.  The station is busy, or it is denying access based on its inbound security settings or your own outbound security settings.

TIMEOUT:  The station was disconnected because of a timeout, or an attempt to connect to another station failed because the station did not respond.  There are several different types of timeouts; check the System Log to determine the exact cause.