Connect | Connect to the specified callsign or node number. Runs asynchronously unless bWait is True. |
ControlDTR | Assert or inhibit the DTR pin on the TX Control COM port. |
ControlRTS | Assert or inhibit the RTS pin on the TX Control COM port. |
Disconnect | Disconnect from the specified callsign. |
DisconnectAll | Disconnect all stations. |
EnableLink | Enable or disable the link. |
InterpretDTMFString | Submit a string of DTMF digits for processing. |
IsPeerConnected | Return True if the specified station is connected. |
PausePlayback | Pause or un-pause any playback in progress. |
PlayWAVFile | Play the specified WAV file. Return after the file finishes playing if bSync is True, otherwise return immediately. |
PTTControl | Key (or un-key) the local transmitter. |
Quit | Shut down EchoLink. |
RefreshStationList | Refresh the Station List. |
Reset | Clear all connections and apply all configuration changes. |
SayPhrase | Say a numbered phrase from the built-in vocabulary (0 to 17) over the local link. The method returns after the program finishes speaking. |
SayString | Say a string of ASCII characters over the local link. The method returns after the program finishes speaking. |
SendChatText | Send a one-line text message to the connected station(s). |
SendDTMFString | Send a string of DTMF digits to the local transmitter. |
SendID | Send a station ID over the RF link. |
SendToneBurst | Send a tone burst over the local transmitter. |
Shutdown | Shut down the EchoLink application. |
StartRecordingQSO | Begin recording the current QSO to the specified WAV file. A default filename is used if the filename argument is omitted. |
StopPlayback | Stop any playback in progress. |
StopRecording | Stop any recording in progress. |
SwitchProfile | Reset the system and switch to a different profile. |
Transmit | Begin (or end) transmitting to the connected station(s). |
ListAsBusy | | True if this node is listed as Busy, and not accepting connections. |
ListenOnly | | True if this node is in Listen-Only mode. |
NumPeers | | The number of stations currently connected. |
PTT | | True if the local transmitter is currently keyed. |
Receiving | | True if audio is being received from a connected station. |
RXSignal | | True if the local transmitter is receiving a signal. |
StationEntries | | A collection of all items in the current Station List, which can be enumerated. |
StationEntriesXML | | An XML document enumerating all items in the current Station List. |
SysopConfig | | Retrieve the Sysop Configuration object. |
SystemConfig | | Retrieve the System Configuration object. |
Transmitting | | True if audio is being sent to connected station(s). |
VOXWhilePTTEngaged | | True if VOX can be triggered when PTT is active |
Alarm | Notifies that an Alarm has been triggered. |
CarrierDetect | Notifies that an RF signal has begun or ended. |
ChatTextReceived | Notifies that a Text Message has been received in the Chat window. |
Closing | Notifies that EchoLink is closing down, and all references are no longer valid. |
Connected | Notifies that a station has connected. |
Disconnected | Notifies that a station has disconnected. |
DTMFDigit | Notifies that a DTMF digit has been decoded. Set pIgnore to True for EchoLink to ignore this digit. |
DTMFString | Notifies that a string of DTMF digits has been received. |
DTMFStringCD | Notifies that a string of DTMF digits has been received. Fires immediately after the carrier is dropped. Set pIgnore to True for EchoLink to ignore this string. |
LinkStatusChange | Notifies that the link has been enabled or disabled. |
PTT | Notifies that the RF transmitter has gone key-down or key-up. |
RX | Notifies that an incoming Internet transmission has begun or ended. |
SerialStatus | Notifies that a pin on the RX Control serial port has changed state. |
StationListReceived | Notifies that the Station List has finished being retrieved. |
StationTextReceived | Notifies that Station Text has been received in the Station Text window. |
TX | Notifies that an outgoing Internet transmission has begun or ended. |