
EchoLinkSession Class

Object Model


ConnectConnect to the specified callsign or node number. Runs asynchronously unless bWait is True.
ControlDTRAssert or inhibit the DTR pin on the TX Control COM port.
ControlRTSAssert or inhibit the RTS pin on the TX Control COM port.
DisconnectDisconnect from the specified callsign.
DisconnectAllDisconnect all stations.
EnableLinkEnable or disable the link.
InterpretDTMFStringSubmit a string of DTMF digits for processing.
IsPeerConnectedReturn True if the specified station is connected.
PausePlaybackPause or un-pause any playback in progress.
PlayWAVFilePlay the specified WAV file. Return after the file finishes playing if bSync is True, otherwise return immediately.
PTTControlKey (or un-key) the local transmitter.
QuitShut down EchoLink.
RefreshStationListRefresh the Station List.
ResetClear all connections and apply all configuration changes.
SayPhraseSay a numbered phrase from the built-in vocabulary (0 to 17) over the local link. The method returns after the program finishes speaking.
SayStringSay a string of ASCII characters over the local link. The method returns after the program finishes speaking.
SendChatTextSend a one-line text message to the connected station(s).
SendDTMFStringSend a string of DTMF digits to the local transmitter.
SendIDSend a station ID over the RF link.
SendToneBurstSend a tone burst over the local transmitter.
ShutdownShut down the EchoLink application.
StartRecordingQSOBegin recording the current QSO to the specified WAV file. A default filename is used if the filename argument is omitted.
StopPlaybackStop any playback in progress.
StopRecordingStop any recording in progress.
SwitchProfileReset the system and switch to a different profile.
TransmitBegin (or end) transmitting to the connected station(s).

ListAsBusyRead-write propertyTrue if this node is listed as Busy, and not accepting connections.
ListenOnlyRead-write propertyTrue if this node is in Listen-Only mode.
NumPeersRead-only propertyThe number of stations currently connected.
PTTRead-only propertyTrue if the local transmitter is currently keyed.
ReceivingRead-only propertyTrue if audio is being received from a connected station.
RXSignalRead-only propertyTrue if the local transmitter is receiving a signal.
StationEntriesRead-only propertyA collection of all items in the current Station List, which can be enumerated.
StationEntriesXMLRead-only propertyAn XML document enumerating all items in the current Station List.
SysopConfigRead-only propertyRetrieve the Sysop Configuration object.
SystemConfigRead-only propertyRetrieve the System Configuration object.
TransmittingRead-only propertyTrue if audio is being sent to connected station(s).
VOXWhilePTTEngagedWrite-only propertyTrue if VOX can be triggered when PTT is active

AlarmNotifies that an Alarm has been triggered.
CarrierDetectNotifies that an RF signal has begun or ended.
ChatTextReceivedNotifies that a Text Message has been received in the Chat window.
ClosingNotifies that EchoLink is closing down, and all references are no longer valid.
ConnectedNotifies that a station has connected.
DisconnectedNotifies that a station has disconnected.
DTMFDigitNotifies that a DTMF digit has been decoded. Set pIgnore to True for EchoLink to ignore this digit.
DTMFStringNotifies that a string of DTMF digits has been received.
DTMFStringCDNotifies that a string of DTMF digits has been received. Fires immediately after the carrier is dropped. Set pIgnore to True for EchoLink to ignore this string.
LinkStatusChangeNotifies that the link has been enabled or disabled.
PTTNotifies that the RF transmitter has gone key-down or key-up.
RXNotifies that an incoming Internet transmission has begun or ended.
SerialStatusNotifies that a pin on the RX Control serial port has changed state.
StationListReceivedNotifies that the Station List has finished being retrieved.
StationTextReceivedNotifies that Station Text has been received in the Station Text window.
TXNotifies that an outgoing Internet transmission has begun or ended.