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EchoLink® software allows licensed
Amateur Radio
stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using
streaming-audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections
to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing
Amateur Radio's communications capabilities. There are more than
350,000 validated users worldwide — in 159 of the world's 193 nations — with about 6,000 online at any given time.

The program runs on Microsoft Windows®, with editions also available
for Android, iOS, and Web browsers. All editions are
free of charge. The Windows edition may be downloaded here
EchoLink is a full-featured software package with many important and useful
features. For a brief overview, take a tour! Or, learn how to set up your own RF link.
For more information about Internet linking programs such as EchoLink, see QST for
February, 2003, page 44, or download the PDF from the
ARRL Web site.
Separately from EchoLink, you might be interested in learning about the new NTS Radiogram Portal. Click here for more info!