FAQs: EchoLink Web

FAQ - General
FAQ - Installation
FAQ - Callsign Validation
FAQ - Nodes
FAQ - Servers
FAQ - Connecting
FAQ - Operating
FAQ - Advanced Operating
FAQ - Audio
FAQ - iPhone
FAQ - Android
FAQ - EchoLink Web
Firewall Solutions
Validation Documents
Access Policies

What is EchoLink Web?

EchoLink Web is an edition of EchoLink that runs entirely within a Web browser. It runs on various browsers and OS platforms and doesn't require any app to be installed — just click and go.

How do I get started?

Go to webapp.echolink.org and enter your existing EchoLink callsign and password. EchoLink Web requires a single-user-mode EchoLink callsign (with no -L or -R suffix). If you enter a callsign which hasn't yet been validated, you'll be prompted to begin the validation process. If you get the message "incorrect password", you can re-set your EchoLink password on the Validation page.

What are the bandwidth requirements?

During audio transmissions, EchoLink Web uses about 650kbps downstream and 128kbps upstream; this is similar to other audio/video applications such as Skype. If you select the Low Bandwidth option in Settings, the downstream bandwidth becomes 128kbps, with slightly lower audio quality.

Do I need to open firewall ports or set up router port forwarding?

No — EchoLink Web is a client-server application, and all its connections operate through EchoLink's proxy network, so it should work over nearly any good Internet connection, without any special settings. All data in transit is encrypted, for privacy.

When I launch the EchoLink Web page, do I need to grant any permissions?

The page may ask for permission to use the microphone. Granting permission to use the microphone is required if you wish to transmit. If you deny permission, the app will be receive-only.

My computer has more than one speaker or microphone. Which one will EchoLink Web use?

Normally, EchoLink Web uses the system-default sound devices. If you wish to change this, you can choose a specific pair of sound devices in the app's Settings.

Once I'm logged in and connected to another station, how do I transmit?

You can begin and end transmitting by clicking on the Transmit button, or by pressing and holding the space bar. (You can only transmit when the EchoLink Web page is in the foreground.)

Does EchoLink Web support Alarms and Favorites?

Favorites are currently supported, and Alarms will be supported in the near future. Your lists can be accessed from any browser on which you log in to EchoLink Web. However, these lists are initially empty — even if you've set up Alarms or Favorites already on another platform, you'll need to do this again for EchoLink Web, the first time you use it.

Will EchoLink Web accept incoming connections, when I'm logged in?

Yes, EchoLink Web will automatically accept and connect an incoming request, unless you've disabled this feature in the Settings.

Does EchoLink Web support the CQ feature?

Yes, you can click the Call CQ button after you've logged in. Please see Call CQ for an overview of how CQ works.

Can I log in to EchoLink Web from more than one machine, browser, or browser tab at the same time, with the same callsign?

No — when you log in on one browser, you'll be automatically logged out from EchoLink on any other browsers. Also, please do not try to run EchoLink at the same time with the same callsign on any other platform (such as Windows, iOS, or Android) — this causes erratic operation and is against our Access Policies.

Does EchoLink Web work with any Web browser?

EchoLink Web has been tested with modern versions of Chrome, Edge, and Firefox on Windows, and on Chrome and Safari on MacOS. Some older browser versions, or other platforms, might not run EchoLink Web properly.

Does the app support any languages other than English?

EchoLink Web has been "localized" for English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, and Turkish. The language is selected automatically based on the current browser settings. To change the language, change the preferred language (setting) in your browser, and re-load the page.

How do I report a bug, or make a feature suggestion?

You can go to the EchoLink Support page and fill out a Support request. Be sure to choose EchoLink Web from the list of platforms.



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